The Dangi Cow Breeds In India is an indigenous cattle breed primarily found in the Maharashtra region, particularly in Dangi

The Dangi Cow Breeds In India is an indigenous cattle breed primarily found in the Maharashtra region, particularly in Dangi
The Pulikulam Cow Breeds In India are an indigenous cattle breed found primarily in the southern regions, particularly in Tamil
The Alambadi Cow Breeds in India are a rare and valuable indigenous breed primarily found in the southern states of
The Kangayam Cow Breeds In India are a highly valued indigenous breed, primarily found in the southern state of Tamil
Bachaur Cow Breeds In India is a lesser-known but highly valued indigenous cattle breed native to the Bihar region. Known
The Belahi Cow Breeds in India is a lesser-known indigenous cattle breed, primarily found in the northern regions of India,
Motu Cow Breeds In India are a lesser-known indigenous breed primarily found in the Bihar and Uttar Pradesh regions. These
The Hallikar Cow Breeds in India are one of the oldest and most esteemed native cattle breeds, particularly found in
Shahiwal Cow Breeds In India are one of the most prominent indigenous dairy breeds, primarily found in the northern regions
The Bargur Cow Breeds in India is an indigenous cattle breed primarily found in the Bargur Hills of Tamil Nadu